zxclxj2002 发表于 2006-2-7 19:23:17


我路由器多设置好了!花生壳也装好了!PING多通的!为什么老是出来这个画面The page cannot be found The page you are looking for might have been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Please try the following:If you typed the page address in the Address bar, make sure that it is spelled correctly.Open the home page, and then look for links to the information you want. Click the Back button to try another link. HTTP 404 - File not foundInternet Information Services--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Technical Information (for support personnel)More information:Microsoft Support

libc 发表于 2006-2-18 02:42:59



wangzelong 发表于 2006-2-20 19:40:44


出现这种情况 我给你一个肯定的答复 你的路由器映射没做好 你不信的话 就把主机不通过路由器用拨号 进行连接绝对可以的 我是一个远程监控技术员 做过很多卡 QQ116045954 另外你的花生壳很难用 会拖系统占用系统资源 不好用 推荐你用科迈和希网的 功能齐全 不占资源
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