You may not be in the party, but because you live there, you have to live within the rules of the party, so by <br>
proxy, you are in the party, just as I am a Democrat by proxy just because I am an American when I am away from home. <br>
The reason I fight you on this board as much as I do is not becuse I don‘t like you personally, you are <br>
probably a stand up guy, but you don‘t seem to respect the fact that we cannot legally sell you any of the <br>
stuff you ask for. Part of the reason is that your country continues to support the insurgency here in Iraq,<br>
my base gets mortared EVERY DAY and most of the munitions are Chinese!!! <br>
I can also take you down to the <br>
holding yard and show you the Chinese vehicles and gun systems that were here before we arrived, and if it <br>
wasn‘t classified, I would give you a list of the Chinese surface to air missiles that I have to worry about<br>
EVERY DAY. They find weapons caches every day with Chinese weapons, ammo, and also, NV, yes NV, I‘ll spell <br>
it out for you Night Vision! It has all been Gen I so far, but CHINESE NV. Now, it is not a streatch to figure<br>
that if you are an import source, for Gen II NV, <br>
then the party that you don‘t belong to will take what they want, reverse engineer it, and before long, <br>
we will start finding Chinese NV with Gen II in it with little stamps on it that says, <br>
Proudly Made in the USA. Are you starting to get the picture yet? Nothing personal, <br>
but you live in a country that doesn‘t have it, so if you are that interested in NV, move here and become a <br>
citizen, then you can play, otherwise, quit asking. <br>
re:So What?
So What?re:靠!看不懂!
The reason I fight you on this board as much as I do is not becuse I don‘t like you personally, you are<br>
probably a stand up guy, but you don‘t seem to respect the fact that we cannot legally sell you any of the<br>
stuff you ask for.<br>