佳缘电子科技 发表于 2004-9-15 20:11:47


即使BIOS和操作系统支持137G以上的大硬盘,依然会出现137G以上的数据不稳定。解决方法:1,基本条件:  WIN2000+SP4、WinXP+sp1\2003  BIOS兼容48位LBA(BIOS中显示为160G)2,注册表:  HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Atapi\Parameters新建双字节值:EnableBigLba数据类型: REG_DWORD值: 0x1 对于大多数的主板,它们使用的都是28位LBA硬盘寻址方式,LBA方式是以逻辑块方式使用硬盘的,每个逻辑块的大小是512字节。于是在28位LBA硬盘寻址方式下,逻辑块数目的理论极限是2的28次方即268435456块,每块乘以512字节,则硬盘的理论容量极限就是:268435456(块)*512(字节)=137,438,953,472字节=137GB。这便是137G容量极限的由来。  显然,对于硬盘生产厂家来说,突破137G容量极限的方法很简单,只要使用更高的寻址位数就可以了。目前所有容量超过137G的IDE/ATA硬盘,使用的都是48位LBA寻址方式。新的48位LBA寻址方式的理论容量极限是144,115,188,075,855,872字节=144,000,000 GB,一个令人咋舌的容量!我想在未来的许多年,这个容量极限是够用的了。:)  既然对于容量超过137G的硬盘,使用的是48位LBA寻址方式。对于一般的硬盘用户而言,最简单的方法就是使用“Intel 48-bit LBA Test Program”来对自己的主板进行检测。这是一个Intel出品的检测48位LBA的测试程序,它可以检测主板BIOS是否支持48位LBA寻址方式,从而确定你的主板BIOS是否支持137GB以上的硬盘。 运行“48lbachk.exe”后的画面   在DOS(最好是在纯DOS下而非Windows的MS-DOS窗口状态)下运行“48lbachk.exe”之后会见到如上图的画面,针对不同的硬件系统,检测结果会出现以下三种:  1.“PASSED”表示支持48位的LBA;  2.“FAILED”表示不支持48位的LBA:  3.“UNDETERMINED”表示测试程序不能确定被测系统是否具有48-bit LBA能力,但这多半是因为当前系统中没有连接超过137GB的硬盘。  下载→ “Intel 48-bit LBA Test Program”48LBACHK.EXE 微软的官方资料The following conditions are necessary for the correct functioning of 48-bit LBA ATAPI support: A computer with a 48-bit LBA-compatible Basic Input/Output System (BIOS) installed.A computer with a hard disk that has a capacity of greater than 137 gigabytes (GB).You must enable the support in the Windows registry by adding or changing the EnableBigLba registry &#118alue to 1 in the following registry subkey:HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\atapi\Parameters To enable 48-bit LBA large-disk support in the registry: Start Registry Editor (Regedt32.exe).Locate and then click the following key in the registry:HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Atapi\ParametersOn the Edit menu, click Add &#118alue, and then add the following registry &#118alue:&#118alue name: EnableBigLbaData type: REG_DWORD&#118alue data: 0x1 Quit Registry Editor.NOTE: If you enable 48-bit LBA ATAPI support by editing the preceding registry key, but your system does not meet the minimum requirements, you may observe the following behaviors: Operating systems that do not have 48-bit LBA support enabled by default (such as Microsoft Windows 98, Microsoft Windows Millennium Edition (Me), or Windows 2000) that are installed on a partition that spans beyond the 28-bit LBA boundary (137GB) will experience data corruption or data loss.The installation of operating systems that do not have 48-bit LBA support enabled by default (such as Windows 98, Windows Me, or Windows 2000) on a partition that is beyond the 28-bit LBA boundary (137 GB) is unsuccessful and leaves behind a temporary installation folder.If you install hotfixes that enable 48-bit LBA before you install Windows 2000 Service Pack 3 (SP3), the appropriate registry key will be automatically created during the installation of SP3 to preserve the data integrity of the hard disk.After you enable 48-bit LBA support by adding the appropriate registry key, data corruption may occur if you remove the registry key or if you remove (uninstall) SP3 for Windows 2000.If you install a copy of Windows 2000 that includes SP3 (SP3 integrated) on a large hard disk that has already been preformatted by using a 48-bit LBA-enabled operating system, the ATAPI subsystem may report hard-disk space greater than that which is addressable without the 48-bit LBA support (larger than approximately 137 GB) during the text-mode portion of Setup. In this case, the hard disk

xmznt 发表于 2004-9-15 20:52:09



wang2002 发表于 2004-9-16 00:34:32



怒☆斩 发表于 2004-9-16 01:17:54



星月 发表于 2004-9-16 22:47:46


地狱呻吟 发表于 2004-9-16 23:02:47



怒☆斩 发表于 2004-9-17 17:47:29


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查看完整版本: 关于160G大硬盘的问题